import element.*; import java.awt.Color; public class MandelThread extends Thread { final static int WIDTH = 200; final static int HEIGHT = 200; DrawingWindow d; static ConsoleWindow c; static double x0,y0,w,h; public void drawMandelbrot(double x0, double y0, double w, double h, int col, int row, int iw, int ih) // pre: (x0,y0) is lower left corner of complex plane // w,h > 0 determine width of image in complex plane // (row,col) is upper left corner of drawing window // iw, ih determine the width and height of the image in window { int r, c; for (r = 0; r < ih; r++) { d.hold(); // stop updating screen for (c = 0; c < iw; c++) { double x; double y; // determine the speed and color of this pixel x = x0+c*(w/iw); y = y0+r*(h/ih); int speed = Fractal.mandelbrot(x,y); d.setForeground(new Color(speed,speed,speed)); // draw it! d.draw(new Pt(col+c,row+r)); } d.release(); // update entire row } } public Rect scan() // post: returns a rectangle drawn out in the dedicated drawing window { Pt p = d.awaitMousePress(); Pt q = p; Pt q0; Rect r = new Rect(p,q); d.setForeground(; d.invertMode(); d.draw(r); while (d.mousePressed()) { q0 = d.getMouse(); if (!q0.equals(q)) { d.draw(r); q = q0; r = new Rect(p,q); d.draw(r); } } d.draw(r); if (r.width() == 0) return null; else return r; } public static void main(String args[]) { MandelThread t = new MandelThread(); c =new ConsoleWindow(); c.out.println("Suggested inputs: -2 -2 4 4"); x0 = c.input.readDouble(); y0 = c.input.readDouble(); w = c.input.readDouble(); h = c.input.readDouble(); t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY-1); t.start(); } public void run() // pre: x0, y0, w, h describe an image region in complex plane // post: draw mandelbrot image and generate refined images { d = new DrawingWindow(WIDTH,HEIGHT); double cx0,cy0,cw,ch; // copy the starting coordinates from static variables cx0 = x0; cy0 = y0; cw = w; ch = h; c.out.println("Picture is ("+cx0+","+cy0+") "+cw+"x"+ch); d.clear(d.bounds()); drawMandelbrot(cx0,cy0,cw,ch,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); while (true) { c.out.println("Scan new rectangle"); Rect r = scan(); // simple: returns scanned rect // compute new complex plane coordinates x0 = cx0 + cw/(double)WIDTH*(double)r.left(); y0 = cy0 + ch/(double)HEIGHT*(double); w = cw * (double)r.width()/(double)WIDTH; h = ch * (double)r.height()/(double)HEIGHT; // create and start new mandelbrot thread MandelThread t = new MandelThread(); t.setPriority(NORM_PRIORITY-1); t.start(); } } }