public class List { private Object data; // the value stored within list private List next; // the remaining values of the list // an object to represent the empty list public final static List EMPTY = new List(); private List() // post: construct nil list. Called once only. { = null; = this; } public List(Object head, List rest) // pre: construct a "cons" head, followed by rest. { = head; = rest; } public List(Object head) // pre: head is non-null // post: construct a list with one element, d. { this(head,List.EMPTY); } public Object head() // post: return the first element of list { if (isEmpty()) return null; else return data; } public List rest() // post: return part of list following head { // note that EMPTY has EMPTY as rest return next; } public boolean isEmpty() // post: return true if this list is empty { return this == List.EMPTY; } public Object tail() // post: return the last value in list { if (isEmpty()) return null; else if (rest().isEmpty()) return head(); else return rest().tail(); } /* public int length() // post: return the number of elements logically in this list { int result = 0; // length, ultimately List l = this; // l points to a sublist while (!l.isEmpty()) { l =; // skip over head, counting it result++; } return result; } */ public int length() // post: return the number of elements logically in this list { if (isEmpty()) { return 0; // empty list has no elements } else { // list has head plus elements of rest return 1 + rest().length(); } } public int count(Object item) // post: compute # of elements that equals item in this list { if (isEmpty()) { return 0; // empty list has no elements } else if (head().equals(item)) { // list has head (that matches) plus other possibles in rest return 1 + rest().count(item); } else return rest().count(item); } public boolean contains(Object x) // pre: x is non-null // post: returns true if list contains x-value as an element { if (isEmpty()) return false; else if (head().equals(x)) return true; else return rest().contains(x); } /* public boolean contains(Object x) // pre: x is non-null // post: returns true if list contains x-value as an element { List item = this; while (!item.isEmpty()) { if (item.head().equals(x)) return true; item =; } return false; } */ public Object elementAt(int index) // pre: index is < length of the list // post: returns the index'th element of the list, where head is zero { if (isEmpty()) return null; if (index == 0) return head(); else return rest().elementAt(index-1); } public List removeElementAt(int index) // pre: index is < length of the list // post: removes the index'th element of the list, where head is zero { if (isEmpty()) return this; if (index == 0) return rest(); else return new List(head(),rest().removeElementAt(index-1)); } public String printList() // post: print a string representation of the elements of this list { if (isEmpty()) { return ""; } else if (rest().isEmpty()) { return head().toString(); } else { return head()+" "+rest().printList(); } } public String toString() // post: print a string representation of this list { if (isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { return head()+" "+rest(); } } public List append(Object item) // pre: list is non-null // post: nondestructively appends item onto end of list { if (isEmpty()) return new List(item); return new List(head(),rest().append(item)); } public List reverse() // post: nondestructive reversal of List { if (isEmpty()) return this; return rest().reverse().append(head()); } public boolean equals(Object other) // pre: other is another List // post: returns true if other is list with structure similar to this { List that = (List)other; if (isEmpty() || that.isEmpty()) return this == that; if (!head().equals(that.head())) return false; return rest().equals(; } public List remove(Object l) // pre: l is non-null // post: returns list with copies of l removed { if (isEmpty()) return List.EMPTY; if (head().equals(l)) return rest().remove(l); else return new List(head(),rest().remove(l)); } public int index(Object x) // pre: x is non-null // post: returns index of entry containing list element, or -1 { if (isEmpty()) return -1; else if (head().equals(x)) return 0; int position = rest().index(x); if (position == -1) return position; else return position + 1; } public static void main(String[] args) { List l = List.EMPTY; int i; for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { l = l.append(args[i]); } System.out.println("List ("+l+") is "+l.length()+" long."); System.out.println("List.head() is "+l.length()+" long."); System.out.println("\"Duane\" is a member of list? "+l.contains("Duane")); System.out.println("\"Duane\"'s position in list? "+l.index("Duane")); System.out.println(l.reverse()+" (reversed)"); System.out.println(l+" (normal)"); System.out.println(l.remove("Duane")+" (\"Duane\" removed)"); System.out.println(l+" (normal)"); } } /* ((now is the Duane time) jim) List is 2 long. List.head() is 5 long. "Duane" is a member of list? true (jim (time Duane the is now)) (tree-reversed) ((now is the Duane time) jim) (normal) ((now the Duane time) jim) ("is" removed) ((now is the Duane time) jim) (normal) */