import element.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Random; public class VectorPoetry { public static void main(String args[]) { ConsoleWindow c = new ConsoleWindow(); Random g = new Random(); final int max = 100; Vector poem = new Vector(); String line; int i; while (!c.input.eof()) { poem.addElement(c.input.readLine()); } while (poem.size() > 0) { i = Math.abs(g.nextInt()) % poem.size(); c.out.println(poem.elementAt(i)); poem.removeElementAt(i); } } } /* To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,-- One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do If bees are few. The revery alone will do To make a prairie it takes a clover If bees are few. and one bee,-- One clover, and a bee, And revery. Then do thy office, Muse; I teach thee how With my extern the outward honouring, These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover, Look in your glass, and there appears a face But as the marigold at the sun's eye, Steal from his figure and no pace perceived; That 'gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire. Crooked elipses 'gainst his glory fight, So will I pray that thou mayst have thy 'Will,' So thou be good, slander doth but approve When I shall see thee frown on my defects, Is lust in action; and till action, lust Thy edge should blunter be than appetite, Thy pyramids built up with newer might */