import element.*; public class Syr { public static void main(String args[]) { ConsoleWindow c = new ConsoleWindow(); int x; c.out.println("Enter a number to be iteratively mapped" +" using the Syracuse function."); do { c.out.println("(Please make sure it is greater than 1.)"); x = c.input.readInt(); } while (x <= 1); c.out.print(x); do { if ((x % 2) == 0) x = x/2; else x = 3*x+1; c.out.print("->"+x); } while (x != 1); c.out.println(); c.out.println("Our hypothesis is true for this value!"); } } /* Enter a number to be iteratively mapped using the Syracuse function. (Please make sure it is greater than 1.) 27 27->82->41->124->62->31->94->47->142->71->214->107->322-> 161->484->242->121->364->182->91->274->137->412->206->103-> 310->155->466->233->700->350->175->526->263->790->395-> 1186->593->1780->890->445->1336->668->334->167->502->251-> 754->377->1132->566->283->850->425->1276->638->319->958->479-> 1438->719->2158->1079->3238->1619->4858->2429->7288->3644-> 1822->911->2734->1367->4102->2051->6154->3077->9232->4616-> 2308->1154->577->1732->866->433->1300->650->325->976->488-> 244->122->61->184->92->46->23->70->35->106->53->160->80->40-> 20->10->5->16->8->4->2->1 Our hypothesis is true for this value! */